Guidelines for authors

The Faculty of Economic and Legal Sciences, through the academic journal PERSPECTIVAS
de las Ciencias Económicas y Jurídicas”, provides a space for the publication of productions,
with a section for general institutional issues. This is why a dierentiation is made in sections,
which are: scientic research, scientic-academic dissemination, book reviews, conferences,
interviews, and comments related to scientic-academic activities and institutional deve-
In order to clarify the content of each section, a brief description is included:
Scientic research: for articles presenting partial or nal results of an investigation. Ar-
ticles that account of the progress or results of the completion of postgraduate thesis are
included in this section. To be published in this section, the positive evaluation of two (2)
external evaluators is necessary.
Scientic-academic dissemination: the articles of divulgation will be included here to
raise awareness of dierent issues related to the design of a research paper (Thematic ap-
proach, established hypotheses, methodologies, etc.) or those who report about par tial or
annual results of any extension activity. Additionally, works of academic content may be
included in this section, fruit of the work in the classroom of teachers, or which are of inte-
rest for the classroom activity. These articles must have the reference of one (1) specialist
in the subject area in order to be published.
Books reviews, conferences, interviews and comments regarding scientic-acade-
mic activities: this section will include book reviews, conference transcri pts, interviews,
and other types of work that make critical comments about institutional activities, either
scientic or academic, which are held in the Faculty of Economic and Legal Sciences (UNL-
Pam) or in other institutions, such as an evaluative synthesis of conferences, scientic cour-
ses, promotional workshops, etc. In the case of critical comments, it is essential that the
article is not merely descriptive but that it includes an assessment by the author. These
works must be approved by at least two of the members of the Editorial Committee for its
inclusion in the journal.
Institutional information: This section is intended for information that the authorities
of the Faculty of Economic and Legal Sciences of the National University of La Pampa wish
to communicate to the community of readers.
Guidelines for the presentation of articles
1. Original and unpublished works
The articles submitted must be original, unpublished and have not been or be submitted
PERSP ECTI VAS d e las Cie ncias Econ ómic as y Jurí dica s • Facu ltad de C ienc ias E conóm icas y Ju rídi cas d e la UNL Pam. • Volum en 7 - N0 1 - Añ o 201 7

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