‘Das leben der anderen’ and the cult of Feliks Dzierzynsky

AutorMarc Cools
Cools, ‘Das leben der anderen’ and the cult of Feliks Dzierzynsky 1
‘Das leben der anderen’ and the cult of Feliks Dzierzynsky*
Por Marc Cools
Wir, Mitarbeiter des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit, sind jederzeit bereit,
die Deutsche Demokratische Republik, in der die unsterblichen Ideen von Marx, Engels
und Lenin revolutionäre Wirklichkeit wurden, mit unseren ganzen Person,
bis zum Einsatz des eigenen Lebens, entschlossen zu verteidigen.
Gelöbnis der Mitarbeiter des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit
der Deutsche Demokratische Republik.
Narrative knowledge is highly important for intelligence scholars and practitioners
and cannot be left aside. The German movie ‘Das Leben der Anderen’ or ‘The
Lives of Others’ by movie director Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck is a brilliantly
visualized, realistic but romantic introduction into the daily life of citizens and the
organization, tasks and corporate culture of the former ‘Ministerium für Staatssi-
cherheit’, ‘MfS’ or ‘Stasi’ in the ‘Deutsche Demokratische Republik’ or German
Democratic Republic, ‘GDR’. Highlighting the (cult) figure of Feliks Dzierzynsky is
used to bring a historical note on his importance towards the Soviet Union and
East German intelligence community. In reviewing the structure of the ‘Stasi’ we
argue the functioning of an intelligence organization without any form of oversight
tends to become a totalitarian and arbitrary institution. The disappearance of the
‘Stasi’ and the cult of Feliks Dzierzynsky can be studied and researched as an evil
narrative example within the history of the intelligence agencies.
1. Berlin, so lost and back again
Lou Reed once sang ‘in Berlin, by the Wall’. This totalitarian wall, built on 13th
August 1963, became the Cold War symbol ‘par excellence’. During his first visit to
Berlin, Ronald Reagan said ‘we have got to find a way to knock this thing down’. La-
ter he would utter the historic words ‘Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall’. Going to
this city is a fascinating experience for scholars and practitioners who are interested
in the history and functioning of state intelligence and or state security agencies.
Over there Frederic the Great invented the so called rational nation-state with his
punctual civil servants. Prussia would become the scholar example for 19th century
state building. In order to unify all the German prince and kingdoms including the no-
ble ‘Junkers’, he and his successors were willing to destroy the so rational Prussia for
the wellbeing of the later German Empire or ‘Reich’. The imperial, the national-
socialist and the socialist (East) Germany became 20th century nation-state realities,
which were at the core of the destruction of so many totally depersonalized human
beings and souls.
* Extraído del artículo publicado en la revista electrónica “Archivos de Criminología, Criminalís-
tica y Seguridad Privada”, México, editada por la Sociedad Mexicana de Criminología Capítulo Nuevo
León A.C. (www.somecrimnl.es.tl). Bibliografía recomendada.

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